activities virtual happy hour


Virtual Happy Hour Games, Ideas & Activities for Coworkers

Home >> Resources >> Virtual Happy HoursUpdated: April 14, 2022

We're pleased to present our collection of games for virtual happy hours suggestions and other activities.

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The virtual happy hour is events that are social in nature that are held on videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom, Webex and Google Meet. The aim of these parties is to be fun and create relationships among attendees. Virtual Happy Hour ideas are specific activities, games and themes you can utilize to further increase participation. Some other terms for such events are "online happy hours", "remote happy hours" and "Zoom happy hours."

These events are a part of virtual team building and virtual team games which are beneficial to increase engaging employees in virtual environments.

The list also includes

  • virtual games for happy hour to play with your coworkers
  • virtual activities for happy hour
  • virtual Happy hour themes
  • Zoom Happy Hour games
  • Ideas for virtual office happy hour
  • Virtual cocktail party ideas for a virtual gathering

Here is the complete list!

A list of virtual happy hour games

The following list contains enjoyable games that you can have fun with your coworkers during your virtual time of happiness. The games are intended to take between five and fifteen minutes, so they can be played quickly as part of a bigger meeting agenda.

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1. MTV Cribs: Fridge Edition

MTV Cribs is a show in which a camera crew follows celebrities around their homes. The star presents some of their home features and other cool things they accumulate. "This is my third hot tub that I only use for parties" You might hear these famous people say.

MTV Cribs: Fridge Edition is similar to the show, however it has fewer displays of trophy cases. In this fun activity during happy hour ask three participants to take an online tour around their kitchen. Begin with the counters, and then move to the cabinets then the main reveal: inside the refrigerator.The other participants should also be active participants and encouraging, asking questions and shaming hosts for their lack of enthusiasm. Keep the recordings and preserve them as a momentous event in the organization's history.

2. Something in Common

What's in common is an game to break the ice that you can play during your virtual happy hours. Start by dividing your group into break rooms that hold at least four or five people per room. Each group member has three minutes to determine three unique things they share in common. The emphasis is on being unique since "we all have ears" is boring. However "we all cooked corn on the cob in the last week" is interesting and fascinating.

3. Virtual Happy Hour Bingo

Virtual Happy Hour Bingo is an example of Online Team Building Bingo.

One method to boost engagement during remote happy hour is to provide your participants with something to keep them engaged throughout the time. Bingo meets this requirement well by giving prompts and clues to your guests to pay attention to and then mark off during the call.

Here's a game board you can play with:

4. Online Office Games (Hosted)

Online Office Games is a fully hosted game series that you can enjoy during your next online happy hour. The game includes icebreakers extremely entertaining games, as well as a messaging game known as "Can you hear me now?" It's enjoyable!

Online Office Games is one of the most popular virtual team building games that has over 150,000 guests up to date. The games are run by an experienced host who will ensure that everyone in your group has fun.

Find out More about Online Office Games.

5. Virtual Happy Hour Trivia

A quick game of trivia is fun as it is refreshing and an excellent method to get people talking on the next online happy hour.

For a winning game of trivia, you'll require:

  1. An engaging host.
  2. Good questions.
  3. A game-playing format.

Then, anything other than technology or comparable resources is not required.

For the host who is engaging We suggest asking for volunteers. The host of the trivia doesn't need to be the event's organizer or manager. It could be any member of the team who is willing to assume the responsibility. Offer paid time for the person who will be preparing.

Here's a list of trivia-type questions that you could use to help you:Download the image by clicking on it. a PDF with 10 questions.

Check out our article on how to participate in trivia games that simulate happy hour with rules and rules.

The majority of trivia is well adapted in an online setting, which means you can play a range kinds of "name that tune" style trivia including pub trivia and other. A good idea is to include some action items in your trivia for your virtual happy hour since sitting in front an empty screen for the whole time doesn't always result in the highest level of participation.

The easiest method to create your own fun and interactive question is to Google the subject relevant to your target audience. For example "weird facts about _________" and then convert this list into multiple choices. For instance, "weird facts about virtual happy hours" to take an extremely meta method.

If you're looking for a more relaxed approach, we could make your next trivia night online for you.


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